
听陕西故事No.41 | 咔!定格夕阳下的西安剪影

locallaowai 陕西外事

The sunset glow draws silhouette of Xi'an

夏季雨后傍晚的彩霞总是浓烈又浪漫,当你站在西安南湖边上眺望对岸,映入眼帘是高楼大厦的剪影伫立在湖边,湖面因为行驶而过的小舟泛起阵阵涟漪,打破了这一副填满落日晚霞的宁静油画,原来城市可以即喧嚣又神秘。The colorful clouds in the evening after the summer rain are so intense and romantic. Standing on the side of Xi'an Nanhu Lake and looking across the shore, you will see skyscrapers erecting by the lake in silhouette. The surface of the lake is rippled by the boats sailing by, breaking the peaceful "painting" filled with evening sunlight.

城市中的晚霞也并不全是夕阳红,在浐灞长安塔下的晚霞便像紫蓝色向橙黄色晕染的颜料盘,看起来别有一番滋味,今天晚霞温柔,风也醉人。The sunset is not all always red. The sunset glow near Chang'an Tower in Chanba is like a paintbox of purple-blue mixed with orange. In gentle evening sun blows intoxicating breeze.

钟楼和鼓楼在夕阳的余晖下遥遥相望,显得庄重又从容。历史遗迹虽然无法与日月亘古,但却将几百年前的“晨钟暮鼓”保存了下来,给城市增添了一丝古韵风情。The Bell Tower and the Drum Tower are echoing at each other in the sunset, looking solemn and calm. Although historical relics are not eternal as the sun and the moon, fortunately the "morning bell rings and evening drum beats" from hundreds of years ago have been preserved, adding a touch of ancient charm to the city.

晚霞中的古城墙也显得格外宁静,四方四正地坐落在西安城内,逆着光只看到城墙边缘的锯齿形状,恍惚一瞬间穿越回大明王朝。The four-square ancient city walls in downtown Xi'an look extraordinarily solemn in the sunset glow. In the backlight, the jagged edge of the wall is so clear that as if it bring you back to the Ming Dynasty at the moment.

无论多少年日落月升,大雁塔前的玄奘像依旧沉默地矗立着,在灯火辉煌,热闹非凡的雁塔广场上俯视众生,默默守护着身后的大慈恩寺。Night follows day, the statue of Xuanzang stands still on the brightly lit and bustling square, silently guarding the Dayan Pagoda behind it.

我们每天穿梭在车水马龙的人潮中为各种各种的事情而忙碌,是否突然发现自己从来没有好好地欣赏过这座城市的风景?Rushed off your feet for a living in the heaving cityyou may never really slow down and enjoy scenery around you.  朝暮与年岁共往,时间的流逝从来都是悄无声息,那便从现在开始静静感受夕阳落在你的肩上,亦或是举起镜头定格下生活中的每一次落日晚霞,与爱的人一起分享吧!Times goes by before we realizewe have no choice but enjoy the soft glow shed on your shouldersor grab your camera to capture the wonderful viewand share it with your beloved ones.



